Re-Elect Dean Mazarella Mayor | Leominster, MA


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A Message…


I love this City.  The neighborhoods, the people, the stories, and most of all the feeling of pride that comes from every street…every corner.  It’s what makes Leominster so special.

It’s also why I’m still so excited every day to run up the front steps of City Hall. Whether it’s solving a problem for you, listening to a new idea, or just saying hi, I’ve met so many good people.  The passion that runs deep in each of you for making this City the best it can be is amazing.  And I’m so honored that you have allowed me to continue representing you as Mayor for over two decades.

Together, we’ve been able to accomplish so much.  The recent recession has forced all cities and towns to make tough decisions. With the second highest financial bond rating in Worcester County and a healthy savings account, I think our team has made the right decisions – not just for today, but for our children and grandchildren.  I appreciate you putting your faith in me to continue to lead the City through both good and bad times.  Now, as we continue to work to grow our local economy, I hope you will put your trust in me again in November.  I would be truly honored for your vote.

My favorite statement is “During times of prosperity danger lurks everywhere, growth masks waste, extravagance and inefficiency. The moment growth slows, the accumulated signs of the past are revealed all the way to the bottom line”.

Together, let’s Keep Leominster Strong!



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